
Victoria group coming together to make over 1 600 sandwiches for homeless

The day Paul Logan delivered his first sandwich as part of “the Sandwich Initiative” was supposed to be his last day of work before retirement. However, due to the COVID-19…

The Existence Project aims to connect people and decrease stigma around homelessness

The Existence Project holds workshops for people to connect over their experiences with homelessness. At each workshop, a storyteller with lived experiences of homelessness narrates their story to a group…
David strong uvic

Commerce Students’ Society cancels week-long homelessness fundraiser due to coronavirus

Amid concerns about the coronavirus pandemic, the University of Victoria Commerce Students’ Society (CSS) have decided to cancel a week-long event dedicated to increasing awareness about homelessness, but will still…

Victoria’s accessible housing is not accessible

"Despite their assertion that Victoria is facing an accessible housing crisis, the city’s housing plan will not be accessible for citizens in the most immediate need."

The unfair public image costs of “policing poverty”

"Should police officers be on the front lines of dealing with people who, for a multitude of reasons, cannot afford housing in Victoria? Of course not. But the answer is…

From service to the streets: veterans and Victoria’s housing crisis

In Victoria, a city whose name has become synonymous with unaffordable housing, veterans account for 6.8 per cent of the city’s homeless population, despite only making up four per cent…

UVic researchers bring palliative care to those homeless or barely housed Victorians

Last month, a new mobile palliative care program officially began serving those homeless or barely housed in Victoria. The Palliative Outreach Resource Team (PORT) meets people wherever they are and…

‘US & Them’ documentary sheds light, but through wrong lens

The documentary shadows Victoria’s homeless On Feb. 23, Chek TV aired a documentary called Us & Them, directed by Krista Loughton, which follows the lives of four homeless people in…

Camp on the run

Namegans Nation and the case for community While the socioeconomic causes of homelessness are well understood, victims are still blamed as if they caused the problem themselves. Countless solutions have…

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University of Victoria
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