
Dating advice for a galaxy far, far away

Dear Abby, I’m writing to you because I’m in the same problem so many women find themselves in. I’m a good girl who’s in love with a bad boy. But…

4 things you actually want for Christmas

Look at your calendar. Now back to me. Now back at your calendar. Now back to me. What is that on your calendar? It looks like a Big Day known…

There’s fashionably late—and then there’s American Thanksgiving

American Thanksgiving makes no sense. Now, before any Americans get all up in their right to bear arms and try to shoot me through the head with their grandmother’s shotgun,…

F*cking an introvert: 9 things you should know

Editor’s note: During the process of editing this article, a passage was removed from the introduction that was fundamental to the thesis of the piece. After consulting with the author, we’ve agreed…

Comic Nov. 5

Backyard chickens: ‘til death do us part

Early in the spring of 2014, while my partner and I were planning our garden for the year, we became convinced that in the distant future we should get chickens.…

5 barbaric cultural practices worth tattling on your peers for

If the Conservatives had gotten their way on Oct. 19, the RCMP would be answering your grandma’s calls about her neighbour’s rap music right now via the barbaric cultural practices…

Comics: Sept. 24


When I took this job nearly five months ago, I was entrusted with a great deal of responsibility — a responsibility to inform students of what was going on around their campus,…

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University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
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