
Comics: Sept 10, 2015

Crow’s low blows anything but highbrow

Have you or a loved one ever been attacked by a crow? Don’t laugh. This is serious. I mean a full on, Hitchcockian dive-bomb attack? I have not, but my…

A-List: From packing to weeping: the 6 stages of moving

No matter how you look at it, moving is awful. As human beings, we hate work and change, and moving involves both. Since you can’t do as Taylor Swift does…

Drunkards maintain reasonable volume on public transit

A group of clearly intoxicated college-aged men were observed on the 14 bus Wednesday night conver-sing at a decibel level much lower than would typically be expected after having several…

A pint-size disappointment

How to deal with melting expectations

A-list: 5 ways California can solve their water problem

I’ve been reading the news, and I see you’re dealing with quite the drought problem.

5 things that would improve the Student for a Day tours

I noticed you’ve just completed another round of Student for a Day tours, letting prospective students tour the university and experience student life first-hand.

Keep Your Enemies Closest

Let’s talk about breasts. Roughly half the people on the planet have them, yet many folks are uncomfortable seeing breasts or even talking about them.

Five ways to stay motivated during finals season

Here are five ways to keep yourself motivated and make sure you don’t fall off the self-assured bandwagon.

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2