
Before you die you see The Ring

HUMOUR — I’ll set the stage for you: The world has been destroyed by some kind of nuclear explosion. Somehow, because of some unexplainable event, the UVic campus has completely…

Local profile: Victoria’s only public conspiracy theorist picketer

HUMOUR — A local man often stands between Douglas and Fort streets holding a sign that reads “The Government taps your phone!” and has been there for over 10 years…

A-List: Top four things I feel guilty for… but not really

1. Eating in the library It’s 1 o’clock. I’m hungry. But I still want to study and I’m too lazy to get up. So I continue to eat in that…

Philosophy class interrupted by formerly dead philosopher

HUMOUR — A 200-level Philosophy class received quite a shock last week when an unexpected visitor appeared in their classroom. Not only was this visitor unexpected, but he was also…

A-List: 10 Ways to fight the fleeting of the summer season

1. Bring a beach ball to class and crowd surf it across the room to keep up the spirit of summer  Bring several and an air-pump in case they get…

The long ear and white tail war heats up

HUMOUR — A recent outbreak of animal violence on UVic campus has spilled over from the outer woods and gardens and breached the academic protection that UVic affords students. A…

A-List: 10 rules I made to start this academic year off right

1. I will go to every class without exception Except when it’s raining or sunny—can’t go to class feeling depressed or distracted! 2. I will bring a homemade lunch to…

A-List: Free stuff and how to use it

S.W.A.G.— It’s Stuff We All Get, but what’s one to do with all the stuff once we’ve, you know, gotten it?   Plastic water bottle Drinking from this vessel will…

You know you’re a first year when

Well, class has just begun, you’ve settled into residence and you’re thinking that this is how your first year will play out. You’re wrong. You’ve only had a taste, but…

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Room B011
University of Victoria
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