
Trump attempts to put toddler rumours to rest, rejects new airplane

President-elect Donald Trump is denying he is a toddler by pledging to cancel an order for a new Air Force One. In a tweet last week, Trump wrote that “Boeing…

Family warfare: How to avoid tense family dinners this holiday

Oh, the holidays: the time of year when the reality of brown road slush and awkward encounters with your new step-brothers are etched into memories of pristine white snow and…

COMIC: “Dude v.s. Nature”

Throwback Thursday: Still plenty of room to improve

It’s hard breaking campus news — we’ve got to keep reader interests at heart and step on some toes in the process, which can leave us with some criticism. So did we…

Students sink their teeth into spooky new food truck

A new food vendor has been spotted on campus: Romilda’s Cemedairy, an ice cream truck that serves unique flavours including blood orange, surimi, graphite, and despair. You can identify the…

How to trick-or-treat in your twenties

Do you remember when Halloween wasn’t about getting drunk at that Halloween party hosted by that friend of a roommate of yours, or what generic group costume you’ll wear? I’m…

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University of Victoria
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