McKinnon Pool

The only swim club for adults with disabilities is at risk of losing its home

The recent closure of pools across Victoria such as Crystal Pool, the UVic McKinnon pool, and the upcoming possible closure of the Downtown YMCA, have left swimmers like the Spirit…

UVic looking into constructing a new pool

Kevin Hall hosted a news conference addressing the decision to close McKinnon Pool — as well as tentative plans to build a new facility.

UVic’s Whitewater Club without practice space following McKinnon Pool closure

The club, one of UVic's oldest, faces an uncertain future come September without a practise space or place for gear storage.

The closure of McKinnon Pool has a ripple effect on the Victoria community

On July 2, UVic announced that it will close the McKinnon Pool by September 15 at the latest.

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University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2