Mystic Market

We tried the value meals on campus so you don’t have to 

Now that the program is in its second year and UVic is once again filled with hungry students, I felt the time was right to test them out. Below is…

New Mystic Market outlets bring novelty and variety to campus food

When two new food outlets — Flamin’ Good Chicken and Pickle and Spice — arrived in Mystic Market, I jumped at the chance to test them out.

STREETERS: How do you feel about UVic Food Services?

“It is pretty good in terms of quality but it is pretty expensive and some prices don’t make sense. So, for example, there was a sandwich for five bucks, and…

The removal of VegOut: Blockbuster or bust?

You’ve probably seen the construction site in the back corner of Mystic Market: the Pikachu painted across the white tarp, the quizzical glances of passers-by, the empty space where VegOut…

Bento Sushi and Booster Juice coming to UVic

UVic is set to fundamentally alter the way University Food Services operates with the addition of two independently owned food chains on campus. In a notice published by the Ring…

News brief: Debit at Mystic Market

As a result of student feedback, including a survey of 1398 respondents done earlier this year, Mystic Market now accepts debit as of July 31. Sarah Dusterbeck, Coordinator, Marketing &…

Mystic Market opens its doors to the hungry public

On Friday, Sept. 19th, UVic’s long-awaited replacement to Centre Caf, dubbed Mystic Market, officially opened to the public, after being closed since December 2013.

Streeters: We asked you about Mystic Market

Mitchell Morales What are your thoughts on Mystic Market now that it’s open? It’s pretty nice, I wish I had this in first year. I’m in my fourth year and…

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University of Victoria
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Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2