
5 things I learned from the leadership debate

The Globe and Mail leadership debate on Sept. 17 marked the first time in a month that the three Canadian electoral front-runners (really, the only runners in our first-past-the-post system;…

Connecting the dots on the European refugee crisis

The recent migrant — read “refugee” — crisis loominglarge over Europe seems to have reached its height in recent weeks. I write this because one of my family members has experienced firsthand the strife…

EDITORIAL: To the class of 2019

Welcome to the University of Victoria, and Volume 68 of the Martlet. Have you settled in yet? How are your classes? Still scrambling for textbooks? Speaking of textbooks, here’s a…

An open letter to the UVSS Board of Directors

Dear Board of Directors, On Aug. 24, I attended what was presumed to be a regularly scheduled board meeting, which are held, according to the UVSS website, “twice a month…

70 years under the bomb; a reflection

July 16, 2015, marks the 70th anniversary of the birth of the nuclear age — starting with the first atomic test in Los Alamos, N.M. as part of the Manhattan Project’s aim…

Academic Confessions: Engineering an opportunity

A co-worker asked me one day, “Why mechanical engineering?” I ummed and ahhhed for  a minute and realized that I had no answer. I had no idea why I chose…

Deal With It: the untold stories of hepatitis C in Canada

In 2013, the Victoria-based organization Hepatitis C Education and Prevention Society, known as HepCBC, rallied local patients and clinicians to be interviewed for a new film which will make its…

Humour: it’s no laughing matter

What does it mean to be funny? It’s different for different people. Some people love fart jokes, while others prefer intricate social satire. Different theories on humour suggest that unexpectedness…

Model students

Recently, online clothing store Betabrand added a new requirement to its hiring criteria for models-—a PhD. Betabrand’s spring line will exclusively feature women who either have or are in the…

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