
Student opts for 20th-century approach to homework

For all of our automation and time-saving tech, how many of us feel rushed and harried, as if we have no time at all? With the advent of technology that…

A hockey fan’s ideological struggle

Those who know me well know I’m a huge hockey fan. Lately, I’ve been asked about my thoughts on the current NHL labour dispute that has ripped something I hold…

Editorial: Public shootings hit closer to home

The recent tragic shooting at the victory party for Quebec’s new PQ premier, Pauline Marois, was highly disturbing — well beyond the fact that it left innocent victims in its…

Education only begins at university

A recent Globe and Mail article entitled, “Why are we training our arts grads to be baristas?” brings to light an important question many students must face sooner or later:…

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2