Are you anxious about starting university? Missing your first year at UVic? Here's some advice from your future self about the challenges you're about to face.
UVic students have a long and historic tradition of Stickin’ it to The Man. Student activism will inevitably sweep across campus sometime this year — but over in Hong Kong,…
In the era of Me Too, conversations around consent and sexual health are still relatively new to university campuses. UVic's Sexualized Violence Awareness Week hopes to start those conversations through…
Despite the size of our athletic department — unlike many other universities across the country, UVic is home to just eight varsity sports — Vikes athletes, coaches, and alumni have…
After months of collective bargaining, the University of Victoria and CUPE 4163 (the union representing sessional and music performance instructors) have failed to reach an agreement on a new contract…
First year students, this one's for you. Before you join the rest of your freshman class on the quad for a socially awkward and overwhelming day of orientation, read these…
Starbucks coffee is set to make its debut on campus on Sep. 3, with renovations currently underway of the former Finnerty Express cafe in the UVic bookstore complex.
The University of Victoria has come under fire from alumni, students, faculty, and the UVSS Board of Directors for its connection to the proposed construction of the controversial Thirty Meter…