
Blood and bruises: inclusive classrooms gone wrong

B.C. teachers and students are increasingly at risk of attack in a system that cannot support traumatized and violent children in regular classrooms, and the University of Victoria falls woefully…

NEWS UNSETTLED | Changing the name

UVic has decided to decline taking a stance of support Unist’ot’en. For me, this is a testament to the limits of reconciliation. For universities and many Canadian institutions, even the…

Holodomor bus teaches students about the Ukrainian genocide

The bus is impossible to miss. It’s massive, painted with orange wheat fields, blue sky, and “HOLODOMOR — THE UKRAINIAN GENOCIDE” in white capital letters. A sight that causes drivers…

Complaints about Starbucks uncovered in emails to UVic admin from community

Broken hearts, ethical concerns, and presidentally-addressed Facebook reactions — all new information discovered by the Martlet through a Freedom of Information (FOI) request. Between Nov. 6 and Nov. 20 2018,…

Stringing together community in the face of international tuition hikes

International students all over the world share the anguish of being cash cows for their host societies. When the UVic Board of Governors approved another 15 per cent tuition raise…

Social justice panel connects dots from societal barriers to individual suffering

The “Social Justice and Human Rights” panel at UVic on April 5 encouraged participants to look beyond the individual to the structures of society that are granting or limiting their…

UVic students among those who turned their backs on Trudeau and Scheer

The Daughters of the Vote event in Ottawa was more politically-charged than usual this year when delegates turned their backs during Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's speech, and left the room…

Letter | UVic needs to walk the talk about reconciliation

UVic Pride has noticed that UVic is steadfast in identifying as an ally to Indigenous people but has failed to offer a response to one of the most significant bodies…

Patrick Boyle to play at latest ‘Blues for Eric’ concert on April 13

Trumpet star and UVic professor Patrick Boyle will celebrate the seminal music of Louis Armstrong while raising funds at the ninth 'Blues for Eric' benefit concert. The show starts at…

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2