
EDITORIAL | Money can’t buy a rich learning environment

On March 26, the UVic Board of Governors is planning to raise international student tuition fees once again, this time by 15 per cent. When the cost of university is…

The most diverse library in Victoria is inside the SUB

This library pales in size comparison to the towering bookshelves residing in the McPherson library or the vast foyer of the Law library. When you walk into the SOCC office,…

Waiving interest on student loans makes education more accessible

The B.C. NDP has kept their 2017 campaign promise: ending interest payments on provincial post-secondary student loans. The government’s announcement is a crucial step forward for making post-secondary education more…

A conversation with Lieutenant-General Roméo Dallaire

UVic’s Department of Humanities honoured Roméo Dallaire as the first recipient of their Public Humanist award for his role as the commander of the United Nations peacekeeping mission during the…

UVSS CEO recommends second VIPIRG referendum

Just when you thought the UVSS elections were done for the year, a recent investigation from the UVSS Chief Electoral Officer has called for a second VIPIRG referendum “as soon…

Coordinated global youth strike sees movement of a million strong

Over one million young people from some 1 600 communities across the world decided to ditch school on Friday, Mar. 15 to tell adults to quit ditching the future when…

LETTER | To the UVic Board of Governors on international tuition hikes

I am writing in advance of your March 26 meeting, [having] learned that UVic is proposing to increase the tuition fees of international students. At a time when xenophobia, racism,…

The Phoenix Theatre’s ‘7 Stories’ held over to March 24 (for good reason)

With 7 Stories, the Phoenix Theatre ends their season with a bang A man in a suit and a bowler hat climbs on to the ledge of the seventh story…

UVic’s engineering program is a recipe for burnout

If you are reading this, there’s a good chance you have someone in your life who suffers from what I like to call “engineering studentitis.” Those who suffer from this…

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University of Victoria
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Victoria, B.C.
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