This March, students on campus will be asked a question in a referendum to decide the future of the non-profit organization Vancouver Island Public Interest Research Group (VIPIRG). In an…
Your Jan. 21 UVSS board meeting recap On Monday, Jan. 21, the University of Victoria Students’ Society (UVSS) Board of Directors met for the third Monday in a row to…
Board and audience members engaged in an impassioned debate during an almost five-hour meeting On Monday, Jan. 14, the Upper Lounge of the Student Union Building (SUB) filled with over…
Here’s the scoop on the world’s first and only Chair in Transgender Studies Did you know that UVic is home to the first and only Chair in Transgender Studies in…
Today — Jan. 16 — her book is being released It’s not every day that a 21-year-old can say they’ve written a 127 000-word novel, ended a publishing contract won…
We’ve all been there. You looked at the assignment months ago and you thought about your topic, but somehow it’s the night before it’s due and you’re in a total…
Back to school means back to work — but it also mean a whole host of events for students and the greater community of Victoria. Here’s a list of some free…
If the motion passes at Monday’s UVSS board meeting, VIPIRG’s student levy will be put to a referendum in February’s UVSS election On Monday, Jan. 7, the University of Victoria…
Jan. 7 saw the first UVSS Board of Directors meeting of the year, with the Upper Lounge of the Student Union Building more full than usual. Indeed, along with the…