
Exposé: UVSS finds alternative source of income by running underground petting zoos

The 2017 election for the UVSS was an eternity ago. There’s no practical reason for anyone to remember the campaign promises made so long ago. However, I do. One campaign…

Health care plan faces life-saving vote

Referenda would see tiered plan, option for board-governed fee increases Mackenzie Cumberland, Director of Finance and Operations with the UVSS, does not mince her words when it comes to envisioning…

Cannabis on campus is an election pipe dream

Sorry to kill your buzz, but legalization is hard work. Imagine this: you finish class and swing by the Campus Pharmacy, grab a pre-rolled joint and get really, really baked…

Finding joy through breath at the Victoria Yoga Conference

It would have required considerable effort for me to be crabby last Saturday and Sunday morning, despite the early rise and lack of caffeine. And if you, like me, were…

Food Bank referendum seeks to increase funds, resources

From Feb. 28 to March 2, students will be asked by the UVSS to vote on a referendum to increase student contributions to the Food Bank Fund. If passed, fees…

UVSS Election fashion streeter

Your candidate’s clothes Ainsley Kerr Candidate for Director of Campaigns and Community Relations with Envision UVic  How would you describe your style and how it relates to your life as…

Crimes of the Heart exceptional exercise in character, writing

Pulitzer Prize–winning play gives Phoenix actors chance to spread their wings Crimes of the Heart is the Pulitzer Prize–winning play by acclaimed playwright Beth Henley, which was later adapted into…

Two students almost arrested at latest YPY protest

CSEC, Saanich PD called once students started taking down flags Youth Protecting Youth’s latest demonstration was even more visually striking and ended even more dramatically than the first, with two…

One side does not fit all

Lack of options in UVSS election means important issues go unmentioned This year’s UVSS election is taking on a different appearance than years’ past. Generally the election has at least…

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University of Victoria
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