Sorry to kill your buzz, but legalization is hard work. Imagine this: you finish class and swing by the Campus Pharmacy, grab a pre-rolled joint and get really, really baked…
Your candidate’s clothes Ainsley Kerr Candidate for Director of Campaigns and Community Relations with Envision UVic How would you describe your style and how it relates to your life as…
Lack of options in UVSS election means important issues go unmentioned This year’s UVSS election is taking on a different appearance than years’ past. Generally the election has at least…
Dirk Slot is an independent running in the 2018 UVSS Election for Director of Student Affairs. What are the three most important aspects of your campaign platform? When I put…
Pascalle S. Ricard made up one half of the slate Pascalle S. Ricard, a member of the two-person Purple Party and a candidate for the position of Director of Events,…
Envision slate to nominate any Directors-at-Large; two Lead Directors running unopposed The candidates for the upcoming UVSS election have been announced, and there is only one full slate running in…