by Aaron Stefik | Oct 4, 2019 | Humour, Stories | Satire
Dearest Reader, Permit me to begin my address to you with a question: What commonality is to be found between UVic’s current ailments of oft-prohibitive international tuition, insufficient student housing, and undervalued sessional lecturers? Aside from that all...
by Aaron Stefik | Sep 20, 2019 | Humour, Stories | Satire
Dearest Reader, If the proliferation of a well-organized media campaign is any indication, you are doubtlessly aware of the University of Victoria’s Sexualized Violence Awareness Week (SVAW). If you are, or were conversely uninformed, I can only pity you that my...
by Aaron Stefik | Sep 9, 2019 | Dearest Reader, Humour
A column of wearyingly opinionated eclecticism Dearest Reader, A busy few weeks in the field of climate change politics, that special area of worldly focus concerning all of us and none of us at once, has come to pass. There have been many comments made...