by Adrian Ord | Nov 21, 2024 | Campus, Environmental, News
Divest UVic calls for financial team to align investment policy with UN platform Divest UVic began in January 2013, as a fossil fuel divestment campaign, and gained positive momentum over the years. The on-campus group aimed to create awareness about the importance of...
by Adrian Ord | May 30, 2024 | Culture
The Victoria Association for Psychedelic Studies advocates for a shift in perspective Despite decades of strict policies over drug possession and manufacturing in Canada, many people have gradually begun to re-evaluate drugs that were once deemed harmful. Just as...
by Adrian Ord | Oct 12, 2023 | Culture, Events, Music, Uncategorized, West Coast Creatives
Anteater Eater is back with a brand new sound Anteater Eater has spent the majority of the past two years balancing sudden hiatuses and surprise returns. But with a remarkable new album, If That’s Your Thing, released in August and talk of future tour dates, it...