Your Jan. 21 UVSS board meeting recap On Monday, Jan. 21, the University of Victoria Students’ Society (UVSS) Board of Directors met for the third Monday in a row to…
Board and audience members engaged in an impassioned debate during an almost five-hour meeting On Monday, Jan. 14, the Upper Lounge of the Student Union Building (SUB) filled with over…
Back to school means back to work — but it also mean a whole host of events for students and the greater community of Victoria. Here’s a list of some free…
If the motion passes at Monday’s UVSS board meeting, VIPIRG’s student levy will be put to a referendum in February’s UVSS election On Monday, Jan. 7, the University of Victoria…
Jan. 7 saw the first UVSS Board of Directors meeting of the year, with the Upper Lounge of the Student Union Building more full than usual. Indeed, along with the…
The UVSS board of directors spent a long time together (nearly 90 minutes to be exact) for their final meeting of 2018, and who can blame them? Besides the important…
Annual survey results take centre-stage at first meeting of the month The UVSS meeting on Dec. 3 was called to order with the arrival of pizza — the perfect food…
Your latest Board of Governors meeting recap Nov. 27 saw the second UVic Board of Governors meeting of the year and highlighted a suite of projects and partnerships that the…
Movie-goers can expect fresh paint, repaired seats in the new year, with more updates anticipated in the near future Cinecenta, UVic’s student-run campus movie theatre, will undergo $20 000 worth…