The UVSS board of directors is looking for suggestions regarding the state of student health care. The board is hosting an open house on Nov. 9 in the Michele Pujol…
Let’s be honest: you’re probably writing an exam on the last day Time to text your parents, call your travel agents, and make fun of your friends that are writing…
UVic Engineering professor Mohsen Akbari has been credited with helping to revolutionize the wound care system, by creating a smartphone app that can detect and treat skin infections through “smart…
The UVic Senate held their first fall semester meeting on Friday, Oct. 6, at the Senate and Board Chambers in the University Centre. Topics addressed included new and carried proposals,…
On Oct. 6, members and allies of the deaf community gathered in the Student Union Building for an afternoon celebrating the 200th anniversary of American Sign Language (ASL), organized by…
In late September, the UVSS introduced their newest gender-inclusive washroom in the basement of the Student Union Building (SUB). What once was a women’s bathroom was updated with signs and…
In Spring 2017, the UVSS Board of Directors voted to move their Studentcare Health and Dental plan to a new health plan—B.C. Fair Pharmacare. The shift came with a decrease…
UVic reverses decision to get rid of the snack at residence diner Sometimes it can seem as though the world is more divided than ever before. The cost of living…