
No concrete answers after UVic’s snowmageddon causes pileup

For most students at UVic, Feb. 8’s snowstorm was the most chaos on campus they’d ever seen. Cars were trapped in the flood of people trying to exit Ring Road,…

Site C Dam put on blast at community panel

Over 130 community members gathered in the David Turpin Building on the evening of Feb. 9 for “Save the Peace, Protect the Future,” a panel event on the possible outcomes…

And they’re off! Student election campaigns now underway

It’s that time again: the UVSS student election campaign period has begun, as Connect UVic and Energize UVic launch their respective campaigns for UVSS Board of Directors, UVic Senate, and…

UPDATE: Club policy continues to draw backlash from free speech advocates

UPDATE Feb. 23: This story has been updated to include events that took place at the board meeting on Monday, Feb. 20. A new amendment to UVSS policy designed to prevent preferential…

Campus shuts down as snowpocalypse hits Victoria

It was history in the making on Wednesday as UVic was forced to close campus after excessive snowfall plunged the Greater Victoria area into a whiteout. Snow had been on…

UVic study challenges conventional sex work narrative

A new UVic study reveals sex work as an occupational choice, challenging the stigma that entry into the adult industry is by “predisposing factors beyond sex workers’ control,” reads the…

UVic Senate approves editing services policy, Creative Writing minor

Though the big news coming out of last week’s UVic Senate meeting was UVic President Jamie Cassel’s establishment of a working group meant to find ways to address the impacts…

Three things you should know about UVic’s draft sexualized violence policy

On Monday, Feb. 6, UVic released a draft version of its Sexualized Violence Prevention and Response Policy. The policy comes after several months worth of consultations with university and community…

Poor turnout strikes again, limits SAGM agenda

The UVSS semi-annual general meeting (SAGM) came and went with little fanfare after failing to meet quorum on Thursday, Feb. 2. For the membership to vote on any resolutions amending…

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Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2