
New Student Orientation sees changes

UVic budget reductions prompt restructured programs

Bus routes to bypass Ring Road via McKenzie

B.C. Transit bus routes adjusted to bypass Ring Road

Student with marijuana licence barred from machinery

UVic student Bruce Dean’s Bachelor of Fine Arts has been put on hold, as he participates in a human rights case against Facility and Production Manager of Fine Arts Daniel…

Student society rejects disability group’s hiring decision

The UVic Students’ Society (UVSS) has effectively vetoed a Society for Students with a Disability (SSD) hiring decision with no official explanation.

Alberta flood cleanup employs students

A UVic student’s disaster-relief summer job

Beneath the Great Bear Rainforest

For the better part of four years, I have been held captive by the area on the north-central coast of British Columbia...

Royal B.C. Museum seeks public ideas for upgrades

The Royal B.C. Museum will kick off a series of province-wide consultation events with one hosted in Victoria this Saturday, June 22.

UVic Siege Week 2013

Siege Week benefits Engineers Without Borders, which provides tools and infrastructure for development to combat poverty in Canada and Africa.

UVic hosts celebration of new athletics and CanAssist complex

Although workers broke ground several months back, construction has now officially begun on the Centre for Athletics, Recreation and Special Abilities (CARSA).

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2