
The developing existentialist

My life is a struggle between wanting to go out and have fun with people, and avoiding human interaction at all costs. It’s an internal joust between my inner Miley…

Why we still need to talk about the glass ceiling

Women represent almost half of the labour force; however, most of them still earn far lower salaries on average than men and are less likely to work in leadership positions.

Lessons on learning

The end of semester is full of paradoxes—the light at the end of the tunnel can be easily overshadowed by the remaining to-do list. Weeks seem to fly by, but…

Roommate confessions

Anonymous confessions by anonoymous roommates.

By the distraction of a shirt: Many missed the power of a scientific accomplishment

The Rosetta space mission harnessed the gravity of Mars and sent something the size and shape of a washing machine a cumulative distance of over 6.4 billion kilometres. However, the…

Animal rights protestors make Pig BBQ Joint their target: Locals rally back with support

On Saturday Nov. 22, protesters associated with the animal rights activist organization Direct Action Everywhere (DxE) staged a demonstration inside and outside of Pig BBQ Joint in downtown Victoria. They…

A better way to handle uncomfortable topics

The controversial on-campus debate that took place on Nov. 14, “Abortion: Human Right, or Human Rights Violation?”, reminded me of the day I joined the Occupy Boston Movement. I was…

Roommate confessions

The shit-spiral that is roommate relationships Roommates, much like intimate relationships, can bring out the best and worst in us. Things usually start out great, honeymoonin’ and cooking dinner for…

Ebola quarantines are antiquated

In the U.S., blanket quarantines like those currently in place in four states to control the spread of Ebola have not been used since the influenza pandemic of 1918. In…

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2