
For British Columbians feeling threatened by UNDRIP — don’t worry, there’s an escape clause!

Although B.C. has voted UNDRIP into law, Indigenous nations will still not have veto power over projects involving their lands The B.C. government stated its intention to write the UN…

Accessibility means being able to park on campus

Students with physical disabilities or mental health barriers often rely on cars to get to campus, but by 10 a.m., general parking lots are full. It should be a priority,…

A journey into university-Indigenous relations

"Indigenous worldviews and ways of knowing, doing, and being are significant and important contextual and methodological challenges to this Eurocentric worldview that have an influence far beyond the classroom."

Consequences of a broken promise: Proportional representation and the 2019 federal election

Despite Liberal promises that 2015 would be the last federal election using first-past-the-post, the voting system remained the same in 2019. Had this promise been kept, the election would have…

Time zones: A relic of timekeepers-past

In a globalized world, where international coordination is essential, why continue using our antiquated, localized way of telling time? It’s time to abandon time zones and switch to a global…

LETTER | Re: Assistant adjunct UVic professor allegedly let go for “politically incorrect” views on polar bears

"Dr. Susan Crockford was not “allegedly let go.” Rather, her unpaid adjunct appointment expired and she was not renewed. The criteria for renewal are publicly posted and consistently and fairly…
native students union

NEWS UNSETTLED | The word “genocide” is not up for debate

"I find myself extremely frustrated that the use of the word “genocide” to describe the violence and oppression that Indigenous Peoples in so-called North America have experienced and continue to…

Social media is harming our democracies and ads are just the tip of the iceberg

Politicians using money to gain influence is nothing new. But with Facebook under fire for refusing to fact-check political ads and Twitter deciding to ban them, any voter has to…

EDITORIAL | For students struggling with work, debt, and mental health, reading break isn’t enough

As we come back from reading break, let's be real: for how many students was it actually a real, stress-free "break,"and for how many was it a much-needed few days…

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2