The rent is too damn high, and is only going to get higher, driving students and UVSS directors to stage a protest at the Board of Governors meeting last Tuesday,…
The UVic Senate reconvened on Friday, Nov. 6 to discuss such issues as department title changes, new departments entirely, and student enrolment. President Jamie Cassels opened the meeting with an…
Following the UVSS’s retraction of a $6 000 academic grant paid to the Undergraduates of Political Science (UPS) to fund a conference hosted by the Canadian Political Science Students’ Association (CPSSA),…
Oct. 28 marked the UVSS Annual General Meeting, and having achieved quorum after a half-hour delay, several bylaw amendments as well as the 2015-2016 draft budget were ratified. While much…
Correction: A previous version of this article incorrectly referred to Saul Brown as the board representative for the Native Students Union. It was in fact Blake Desjarlais who was in attendance representing…
In May 2016, Helga Thorson, Chair of the Department of Germanic and Slavic Studies, will run this year’s I-witness Field School: one week of intensive study of the Holocaust, followed by…
Sometimes I wish that I could go to university without taking any classes. Although this ultimately defeats the purpose, it seems that my dedication to my coursework takes me away…
If the Conservatives had gotten their way on Oct. 19, the RCMP would be answering your grandma’s calls about her neighbour’s rap music right now via the barbaric cultural practices…
Laci Green’s recent talk at Uvic on Sept. 30 has received mixed responses from students, with some of the student body seeing the activist’s talk as problematic. We could talk…