
STREETERS: If you could give first-year students one piece of advice going into exam season, what would it be?

“[First-years should] find the right sources and make sure that they find a lot of friends … then they have friends to compare their homework with and to also study…

Dear Birdie: Bad grades, house parties, and break-ups

Dear Birdie: My high-school boyfriend and I came to UVic together. We live in the same residence and it’s been a lot of fun, but now I feel like I’m…

The conduct of cops on campus

Police on campus find it too easy to be tough on students If you toured campus this month you were sure to see crowds of inebriated students wandering in packs,…

UVic goes local with Sitka collaboration

UVic now selling branded logo on Sitka material The UVic bookstore has begun selling clothing made with materials and logos provided by Sitka, a local clothing company founded by two…

UVic to rename Trutch residence hall

University external relations: Trutch’s ideas and actions didn’t align with university’s “mission, vision and values” In a decision made at the May 30 Board of Governor’s meeting, UVic will remove the…

Student health plan benefits to be adjusted following rising costs

Student’s coverage under the UVSS Health and Dental Plan will be seeing some slight adjustments next year after the Board of Directors approved benefit changes at its final meeting of…

Program approvals aplenty at latest UVic Senate meeting

Though the talk of the campus following the UVic Senate meeting on April 7 was a proposal allowing STEPS Forward students to participate in convocation, a number of other motions…

UVic Senate approves STEPS Forward proposal

The UVic Senate voted on April 7 to approve a proposal allowing STEPS Forward students to participate in convocation following widespread media attention in the weeks prior. The Senate motion…

Sexualized violence policy gets final approval

After months of consultation, feedback, and review, the UVic Board of Governors voted to approve a finalized Sexualized Violence Prevention and Response Policy on March 28. The policy will now…

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Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2