
Graphic of a recycle symbol and stacks of money and coins. Graphic by Sie Douglas-Fish.

UVic Foundation announces new responsible investing policy

The UVic Foundation has announced that their equity portfolio no longer invests in companies involved in the extraction and processing of coal, oil, or natural gas.
Divest UVic protest photo

UVic’s divestment shouldn’t come as a surprise

UVic’s divestment of $80 million from the Working Capital Fund was a welcome surprise for many. One year into their ten-year responsible investment policy, the board of governors announced a…
One of the main buildings within Ring Road is being renamed to honour the outgoing UVic president, Jamie Cassels. Cassels worked at UVic for 40 years and will move on in November, with Kevin Hall taking over as president.

University Centre renamed Jamie Cassels Centre, as Cassels retires from UVic

One of the main buildings within Ring Road is being renamed to honour the outgoing UVic president, Jamie Cassels. Cassels worked at UVic for 40 years and will move on…

UVic Board of Governors reveals funding fossil fuel companies actually a cure for climate change

After seven long years of hearing the cries for divestment from fossil fuels from students and faculty and many hours of crunching numbers over lunch in the University Club, the…
board of governors (bog) meeting, president jamie cassels

UVic passes new investment strategy amid Divest UVic protest

This morning the UVic Board of Governors (BoG) passed a motion on the Responsible Investment policy, which proposes reducing the "carbon intensity" of their short-term investment and bonds portfolio by…

Tweetcap | Jan. 10 UVic Senate meeting

The Jan. 10 Senate meeting heard reports on Canada Research Chairs and the Victoria Forum. However, administrators could not guarantee a Board of Governors vote on Divestment this month.

Tweetcap of Dec 6 Senate Meeting

At the last UVic Senate meeting of the decade, senators talked divestment and made amendments to the Faculty of Education policy.

Divest UVic blocks university executives and administrative staff from accessing the Michael Williams Building

“We feel that the administrators who work in this building are a threat to the security of our future,” said Juliet Watts, Divest BC Chair. “So, we’re not allowing them…

EDITORIAL | Dear UVSS Board: We want substantive change, not empty stances

As students head back to school, they’ll get access to a bunch of UVSS-funded perks like Campus Kick Off and the plethora of coupons inside those coveted student agendas. All…

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