
EDITORIAL: It’s better to break walls than build them up

On June 23, the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union in the Brexit referendum, a landmark decision that sent shockwaves throughout the world, and has left an entire…

EDITORIAL: Super InTent City is just the tip of the iceberg

More so than ever before, the last few weeks have been a trying time for residents and neighbours of Victoria’s Super InTent City. On May 27, one of its residents…

EDITORIAL: Bill 23 builds a foundation, but there’s still more to be done

On May 4, Oak Bay-Gordon Head MLA Andrew Weaver led a townhall discussion at UVic introducing Bill 23, or the Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy Act. While this latest legislation…

EDITORIAL: Protect the source, protect the press

In a recent legal battle between VICE News and the RCMP, an Ontario court determined that a VICE reporter must divulge the contents of digital communications between himself and Farah…

EDITORIAL: The scales of justice are past the tipping point

As last week’s Jian Ghomeshi verdict demonstrated, women continue to be disproportionately marginalized by the legal system — a system that, in theory, should be protecting them. On the one hand, women…

Sexual assault survivors are falling off the UVic edge

There’s been a lot of discussion recently about UVic’s sexual assault policy (or rather, their lack thereof), and rightfully so. From the assault that occurred on campus last September, to…

EDITORIAL: Whoever’s elected must remember whom and what they work for

So, you’ve been elected. Congrats! Now, in case you’ve somehow got the (mistaken) notion you know what you’re doing, allow us to redirect you in more useful directions, rather than…

AGMs: We can fix this shit

The UVSS’s Semi-Annual General Meeting (SAGM) failed to make quorum on Feb. 4, but maybe you already knew that. We’re not sure how, because nobody was there to find out.…

EDITORIAL: Blurred lines: Virtual porn may be hazardous to our health

Once upon a time, somebody accused art of being pornography. Of course, those were gentler times when pornography was some strategically placed soap in a surrealist portraiture. But things have…

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The Martlet
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Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2