I wish that this could’ve been a simple list of ways to reduce your grocery bill, but there just isn’t any silver bullet to fix all of this. Healthy foods…
No more Meatless Mondays. University Food Services (UNFS) have abandoned the scheme after almost 200 complaints about the initiative in their annual qualitative survey. UNFS published preliminary findings on April…
As food costs continue to rise, now more than ever, students are feeling the burden. Prices rise, wages stay the same, and students suffer. Even the campus food bank is…
While that avocado toast is definitely not worth the steep price, healthy ingredients are needed for the upkeep of our bodies both mentally and physically. When the ingredients would cost…
A mutual aid initiative and the UVSS have stepped up to deliver 1000+ food hampers As the world settles into its pandemic rhythms of life, new methods of combating food…
Food growers, educators, organizers, entrepreneurs, and just general food lovers gathered at UVic on Nov. 22 and 23 for the 2018 Good Food Summit. The sold-out event, hosted by the…
From Feb. 28 to March 2, students will be asked by the UVSS to vote on a referendum to increase student contributions to the Food Bank Fund. If passed, fees…