
Drawing inspiration from the funnies: UVic writing prof publishes new novel

UVic writing professor Lee Henderson recently finished his second full-length novel, The Road Narrows As You Go, which traces the life of a San Francisco newspaper comic strip creator, affectionately…

Cup of lukewarm tap water declared world’s most powerful sanitizing agent

This story was originally published in The Peak, SFU’s student newspaper.  HUMOUR — In a move that could very well change the way in which humans deal with sanitation and…

A-list: Dealing with the fall blues

Fall is coming, and although we’d all love to laugh at the obvious Game of Thrones meme here, we both know that fall isn’t just Sean Bean deaths and sexy…

Marvel-ously bad

A biting commentary on modern film franchises

A-list: The top articles deemed too trendy for BuzzFeed

You'll never guess what they are.

Bipolar weather ruins everything

Local psychiatrists, TV personalities trying to help

A-list: Head-to-toe realistic summer workout

Mental Warm Up Debate buying a gym pass because you know you should go.  Get your brain muscles working harder by actually buying one and debating how much you might…

New nickel features Tim Hortons doughnut

HUMOUR: The last adjustment to the Canadian currency is set to launch in the fall of 2014: a new nickel. The new look will feature a hole in the centre…

Non-profit organization urges public to donate more brains

HUMOUR—Piece of Mind (POM), a non-profit organization that sends brains to Third World countries, held a press conference yesterday asking the public for their support and donations. According to executive…

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