Re: “Out of the classroom and into the real world,” May 8, 2014 I understand Mr. Schwartz’s desire to level with us young-adults—I can envision him, sitting in his backwards…
“Officer, please, can you come and pick up my 14-year-old son? He’s exhibiting symptoms of ‘radicalization.’ The front page of the March 4th National Post instructed me to turn over…
I’m writing about a situation I witnessed on March 12 in the UVic bus exchange, between two police officers and a student on her bike. It was around noon and quite busy…
Refocus on ferries On Feb. 5, the B.C. government released its report on a round of public consultations on ferry service. The report states that a majority of respondents opposed…
I would like to express my full support for Ezra Karmel’s Jan. 23 article, “Hamas is not al-Qaeda,” and I believe his position is also supported by a Supreme Court…
Remember the rabbits? The darlings of campus which were all of a sudden no longer dear to the administration’s heart? Well, a similar fate is going to be happening to…
Re: “Sexual harassment in clubs,” Jan. 9, 2014 Contrary to Ms. Pace’s assertion and leaving aside the question of when a stare becomes a leer, unless our Criminal Code has…
As the owner of a large dog who lives in the city, I confess to reading Therrien’s “Dogmatic” piece with a sense of mild amusement. Referring to the ownership of…
Re: Editorial Oct. 10, 2013, on the Times Higher Education rankings and teaching at UVic UVic continues to be one of the top ranked universities in the world and can…