
Joining paws in support of pet-friendly housing

Unlike the weather, the crowd was anything but dreary on Sunday, Oct. 21 as pet owners and pet lovers alike congregated in front of the B.C. Parliament Buildings to rally…

UVic student running for city council

Nathan Daisley is a second-year political science student at UVic who, after having worked on campaigns in the last federal and provincial elections, decided to run for an 11-month position…

Surprise, surprise: UVSS AGM fails to meet quorum

“It’s the million dollar question,” sighed Pierre-Paul Angelblazer, Interim Director of Outreach and University Relations, responding to the inevitable query: What is the UVSS doing to increase student participation in…

New Brunswick by-law to discourage trick-or-treating is horrifying

It was those pink, hard-yet-juicy Swedish Berries candies (the ones that stuck to the back of your teeth when you chewed) that hooked me on Halloween. Ever since I was…

We should applaud athletes who kneel against Trump

It was last December at the United Center  on the west side of Chicago that I witnessed the impact politics has on sport. “Ladies and gentlemen, please rise and remove…

Lecture and panel discuss the power of street names

Even with benches borrowed from exhibits, the Legacy Art Gallery was standing room only on the evening of Sept. 14 for “The Urban Streetscape as Political Cosmos,” a free lecture…

You’re using the term ‘Nazi’ wrong

EDMONTON — On August 11-12, a rally was organized by white nationalists, white supremacists, and members of the alt-right in Charlottesville, Virginia, to protest the removal of a statue of Confederate general…

B.C. minority government destined for conflict

Now several months beyond the May 9 B.C. provincial election, we finally have a new leader — or leaders — governing our province. On July 18, B.C. NDP leader John Horgan was officially sworn…

Meeting to reduce quorum does not meet quorum

Despite the allure of free pizza and door prizes, the University of Victoria’s Student Society’s (UVSS) Semi-Annual General Meeting (SAGM) failed to make quorum on Feb. 5. Due to the…

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University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2