The 15-member board has two student representative seats open — one for a graduate and one for an undergraduate student. All students can vote on, from 9 a.m. on…
As with any good election cycle, though the 2019 student elections are over, our coverage of the 2020 UVSS elections has only just begun. Below are the names and platforms…
The Peer Support Centre and Campus Community Garden referenda pass, the Student Advocate position referendum fails, and results of VIPIRG referendum are pending release on Monday, March 11 On Friday,…
The forum focused mainly on representation of Indigenous and international students Only a day after aspiring student politicians laid their heads down to rest, Thursday, Feb. 28 saw candidates running…
Dhillon is running for the position of Director-at-Large Isha Dhillon is an independent candidate running for the position of Director-at-Large in the 2019 UVSS elections. What are the three most…
Five Lead Directors, 11 Directors-at-Large Candidates running for Lead Director (LD) positions Victoria Eaton — Director of Student Affairs Jonathan Granirer Director of Outreach and University Relations Dakota McGovern —…
Five Lead Directors, 11 Directors-at-Large, one Director of International Student Relations Candidates running for Lead Director (LD) positions: Amrit Basi — Director of Events Nathan Daisley — Director of Campaigns…
Dear readers, It’s UVSS elections time once more! In the lead up to voting (March 6 – 8), we’ve covered the four referenda questions that students will have the opportunity…