Why are diabetics are more vulnerable to stroke damage than non-diabetics? According to UVic researchers, cancer drugs improve stroke recovery in mice, a promising breakthrough that will hopefully improve the…
UVic meetings often begin with an acknowledgment of the unceded territories, a few sentences reminding participants of the history of campus land: that it, like most land in this province,…
This article is the last in a two-part series. As I hurried out of the air-conditioned Cincinnati airport, I was slowed by a sudden lack of oxygen. The abrupt increase in…
The world is facing a major ecological crisis in climate change, yet very few seem fazed by it. Dr. Robert Gifford, a professor of psychology and environmental studies at the…
Former prime minister Paul Martin joined Gordon Smith for a wide-ranging discussion at the Bob Wright Centre at UVic on June 2. The lectures marked the first in a series…
If you’re like me, you’ve spent many hasty meals hovering over a sad bowl of warm, flaccid ramen noodles. At times, you might have gotten creative and swirled in an…