
Black Friday snowballs across the border

Over the last 10 years, Black Friday sales have spread over the border and across Canada. Black Friday has been a competitive shopping ritual in the States for decades and,…

UVic Greens fundraise for Island Sexual Health

The UVic Greens have been fundraising and spreading awareness for a recent $165 000 budget shortfall at the Island Sexual Health Society due to their rising clinical demands in 2013–2014.

B.C. think tank releases free climate change course

After four years in the making, the Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions (PICS) at UVic has released a free online course on understanding the science behind climate challenges.

Women’s Centre prepares to Take Back the Night

On the Nov. 27, the UVSS Women’s Centre will host Take Back the Night (TBTN). As part of a greater global event, TBTN is a movement to stop sexualized violence…

UVic examining policy regarding washroom breaks during exams

Following a Martlet interview with Robin Novlesky, an engineering student who was denied re-entry into his deferred exams after a washroom break, UVSS chairperson Kayleigh Erickson contacted university officials about…

UVSS director of finance and operations resigns

Anas Cheema, UVSS Director of Finance and Operations, resigned from his position via email as of 4 p.m. on Nov. 24. An emergency board meeting will be held on Nov.…

Sandwich for a Story comes to Victoria

Founders combat stigma against the homeless

B.C. liquefied natural gas not climate’s saviour, report says

The Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions (PICS) and Pembina Institute have published a report suggesting stronger environmental policies to ensure liquefied natural gas (LNG) will positively impact the global climate.…

Board shorts: Nov. 17

ANNOUNCEMENTS In light of the tension looming over recent UVSS meetings, Chairperson Kayleigh Erickson asked for the Board’s input on initiating more out-of-work social events in order to foster camaraderie…

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2