Following months of secret talks hosted by Canada between the United States and Cuba, the Obama administration further normalized political relations with the island nation, lifting travel and financial restrictions…
Correction: The date for a town hall meeting was incorrect in our print issue. The correct date for Our Dollars, Our Future is Tuesday, Jan. 13, not Monday, Jan 12. …
DIVESTMENT FORUM Vice-President External Relations Carmen Charette began the meeting by announcing that UVic’s divestment forum will occur at the end of January (a UVic spokesperson later clarified that a…
The Universities Coordinated Bargaining Committee (UCBC) has been working since September to promote a campaign to raise awareness on the post-secondary education budget cuts in B.C. and their impact. The…
Cate White Third year Poli-sci I think what’s interesting about non-violent protests in general is it is more about relationships. It’s about community. People think this is such a polarized…
Lacey-Lou Tapas Lounge has started a Sock and Mitten Drive to help share some warmth over the colder months. As part of the drive, started by Lacey-Lou’s art and events…
After an emergency board meeting on Nov. 26, Valery Heckel, a former director-at-large, has been chosen as the interim UVSS Director of Finance and Operations. Heck el replaces Anas Cheema,…