In the midst of the grey and dreary Victoria ‘winter’ weather, Mother Nature prevailed by shining down on the UVic campus on the same day another bright addition to the…
At an emergency board meeting called for Jan. 15, the UVSS board approved three referendum questions for students to answer during the next UVSS election in March. Two of the…
At their first board meeting of the new year, the UVSS announced that they will be convening a week later on Jan. 15 for an emergency board meeting to formalize…
On Dec. 12, President Jamie Cassels updated faculty and staff on the current direction of UVic’s 5-year strategic plan. The presentation, delivered in the atrium of the Continuing Studies Building…
Salvadoran refugee studying law at UVic after years of fighting classification as terrorist Jose Figueroa is a first-year law student at the University of Victoria, yet his path into law…
The Martlet often judges the success of a story on how well it resonates with the UVic community. Since it’s hard to gauge the reaction of each person who picks…
These past 12 months have been hectic for most of us, and the UVic campus was not spared from any of the chaos that 2017 brought. Although the Martlet’s top…
At the Dec. 4 UVSS board meeting, Director of Campaigns and Community Relations Anmol Swaich announced that the former leader of the Naloxone training workshop, a university staff member, had…
BC Transit bus drivers “mistakenly confiscated” a number of OneCards from UVic students on Dec. 8 due to an error message that appeared in the transit card scanners, a UVic…