
The U.S. works to mend relations with Cuba

Following months of secret talks hosted by Canada between the United States and Cuba, the Obama administration further normalized political relations with the island nation, lifting travel and financial restrictions…

Hollywood film sparks real-world discussion at UVic

Arif Babul’s PHYS 303 class explains the physical world with Interstellar, Doctor Who

Board shorts: Jan. 5

Correction: The date for a town hall meeting was incorrect in our print issue. The correct date for Our Dollars, Our Future is Tuesday, Jan. 13, not Monday, Jan 12. …

Anatomical Art

A Uvic art student creates a collage of modified celebrity nude photos Framed in condensation, Scarlett Johansson steps from the shower and leans into a mirror. Jennifer Lawrence arches against…

Board of Governors meeting recap: Nov. 25

DIVESTMENT FORUM Vice-President External Relations Carmen Charette began the meeting by announcing that UVic’s divestment forum will occur at the end of January (a UVic spokesperson later clarified that a…

Valery Heckel chosen as new director of finance and operations for UVSS

After an emergency board meeting on Nov. 26, Valery Heckel, a former director-at-large, has been chosen as the interim UVSS Director of Finance and Operations. Heck el replaces Anas Cheema,…

Black Friday snowballs across the border

Over the last 10 years, Black Friday sales have spread over the border and across Canada. Black Friday has been a competitive shopping ritual in the States for decades and,…

UVic Greens fundraise for Island Sexual Health

The UVic Greens have been fundraising and spreading awareness for a recent $165 000 budget shortfall at the Island Sexual Health Society due to their rising clinical demands in 2013–2014.

B.C. think tank releases free climate change course

After four years in the making, the Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions (PICS) at UVic has released a free online course on understanding the science behind climate challenges.

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The Martlet
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Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2