
Waiving interest on student loans makes education more accessible

The B.C. NDP has kept their 2017 campaign promise: ending interest payments on provincial post-secondary student loans. The government’s announcement is a crucial step forward for making post-secondary education more…

UVic’s engineering program is a recipe for burnout

If you are reading this, there’s a good chance you have someone in your life who suffers from what I like to call “engineering studentitis.” Those who suffer from this…

Union or bust: BuzzFeed Canada joins U.S. in unionizing

If you follow any BuzzFeed employees on Twitter, your feed was likely flooded with Tweets about people being laid off around the end of January. The company let go of…

Decriminalizing sex work is a better solution

A response to “It’s time to legalize prostitution in Canada” It’s not time to legalize prostitution in Canada. It’s time to listen to what sex-workers’ rights groups are saying. And…

Why doesn’t UVic close when it snows?

Victoria is not made for snow. In 2016, the city’s budget for snow removal was just $36 000. In comparison, the city of Kamloops, which shares a similar population size…

Harm reduction is only the beginning for combating the opioid crisis

Society is almost useless when it comes to public policy surrounding drug addictions; frankly, politicians should be partially responsible for the deaths of addicts. There needs to be more thorough…

NEWS UNSETTLED | Understanding Unist’ot’en

And B.C.’s legacy of undermining Indigenous governance What is happening on Unist’ot’en territory is not just about pipelines and fossil fuels. It is about how Canada continues to infringe upon…

Victoria’s horse and buggy industry really isn’t so bad

Everybody’s working for the weekend… (even horses) Let me start off by stating that I’m not your typical ‘horse person’. Full disclosure — I’m not even an animal person. I…

Proof of B.C.’s New Year’s climate resolution will be in the eating

B.C. Government’s CleanBC climate plan has a lot of promises According to the United Nations, the hottest 20 years on record have occurred in the last 22 years. We’ve known…

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2