

God forbid we watch a musical

Movie-musicals are tricking audiences into thinking their films aren’t musicals by forcing random cameos and omitting the entire soundtrack.
Cash is king

Why cash is still king

No level of convenience will beat telling a cab driver to “just keep the change. ”I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: cash is king.
bachelor's degree

When it comes to bachelor’s degrees, five years is the new four

In reality, many people spend more than four years doing their bachelor’s degrees; my own degree has taken four and a half years.

Why family vlogging needs to stop

Ruby Franke, creator of 8 Passengers, was arrested for alleged child abuse. She's just one example of why family vlogging needs to stop.
Handmade gifts

With holidays on the horizon, financial pressures loom large for students

Even handmade gifts have prices attached, and it’s troubling that gift-giving is such an undertaking for students under financial stress.

Forget the Hallmark aesthetic and prioritize your well-being this holiday season

The stress of trying to achieve the festive Hallmark perfection detracts from the meaning and restfulness of the holiday season.

Second-hand fashion isn’t as sustainable as you think

Many students look to second-hand fashion to spruce up their wardrobes, but the clothing you already own is the most sustainable clothing.
National parks

As tourism grows, I’m worried about the health of our parks

While I believe people should go and explore our national parks, it still leaves me concerned for the future of our wildlife.

Debate about the host of  this year’s UN climate change conference is taking away from more important conversations

This year, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is set to host the Conference of the Parties (COP28) starting Nov. 30 to Dec. 12.

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2