
UVic’s smoking policy and you

You’re on your way to the Cornett building. You’re rushing, because you’re not exactly sure where that office is, and it’s a maze in that building at best. You round…

Give the UVSS a break, or at least your attention

We need campus events. Student societies are unparalleled in their direct connection to campus culture and community. They also have a specific mandate to serve students, and are uniquely equipped…

Scorsese flick is sin on film

The Wolf of Wall Street, Martin Scorsese’s Oscar-nominated film of 2013, follows former stockbroker Jordan Belfort from the time he starts his career in 1987 until he is finally sentenced…

Article on childhood cancer research funding is misleading

Recently, a Huffington Post article that some of my friends have been sharing on Facebook has been very irritating: Erin Santos’s “Awareness . . . What a Bullsh*t Word.” Santos comments that…

The irrelevant Generation-Y of celebrities

I love Jennifer Lawrence as much as the last fanboy who tweeted about how she’s so down-to-earth, or giving a new face to female representation in Hollywood, or that gif…

The bewildering Mr. Harper

There’s a moment in Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln in which Thaddeus Stevens, played by Tommy Lee Jones, asks his flustered staff, “Hasn’t he [Abraham Lincoln] surprised you?” In many ways, Prime…

Merits of context

To begin with, I agree that reading the National Energy Board (NEB) document on the Enbridge pipeline proposal is a good idea.  However, I don’t agree with the way your…

Language revitalization work is key at UVic and beyond

Jakob Derksen has lived most of his life on Coast Salish territory and is a graduate of the Certificate in Aboriginal Language Revitalization. The disappearance of a language is a…

Don’t assume consent

Megan Neufeld is a member of the Anti-Violence Project (AVP), an on-campus sexual assault resource centre, and wrote this article in consultation with other members. In a world of “blurred…

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University of Victoria
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Victoria, B.C.
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