
Canada’s 2015 election

With an eventful 2014 now in the history books, let’s look ahead at what promises to be a busy year for Canadian politics. We are entering a federal election year,…

Editorial: Securing the Internet once and for all

Where would our culture be without the Internet? For most, it’s an essential service, so why not treat it as such? With our data being passed around without transparency, why…

The Lens: Je suis Charlie

Letter from the editor

If you have stories of romance, of heartbreak, of loss, or of intrigue to those with Valentine’s on their minds, email volunteer@martlet.ca with your pitches.

Tu le monde sans Comic Sans

Avoiding the Comic Sans controversy

New Facebook policy coming Jan. 30

And why it is no reason to freak out

I watched The Interview

Am I going to get bombed?

Editorial: The sky isn’t falling any faster

Happy New Year, readers. Was your holiday season peaceful? Relaxing? This magical time of year is always filled with an optimistic spirit channeling from the spirit of New Years resolutions…

Break the circle of spending

Britain’s House of Lords has been having difficulty reducing its catering budget (1.3 million pounds); part of the problem, it was revealed, is their consumption of champagne, amounting to 17 000…

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The Martlet
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Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2