
Letters: Week of March 6

UVic Greens’ Statement on the UVSS Election March 3rd, 2014 The UVic Greens would like to extend a big thank you to all the candidates for running for student government…

Letters: Week of February 27

Refocus on ferries On Feb. 5, the B.C. government released its report on a round of public consultations on ferry service. The report states that a majority of respondents opposed…

What UVic stands to lose by ignoring Humanities and Fine Arts

While I have been supremely lucky in my experiences at the University of Victoria, it isn’t a school that favours its Humanities or Fine Arts programs. It’s a school very…

The future of news

Pooh-poohing the prospects of journalism is fashionable these days. Newspapers are collapsing by the dozens. Those that don’t simply disappear are snapped up by self-described philanthropists such as the Washington…

The UVSS—Robin Hood in reverse?

David Foster was a UVSS director-at-large in 2011-12.   The UVic Students’ Society (UVSS) constitution states that the society’s purpose is to organize students democratically; advance students’ rights and representation;…

Letting the cat out of the bag

  Many years ago, when I too was young, I went for a walk and met a stray kitten. He followed me home and I let him in, opened a…

The Enbridge Pipeline: a necessary evil?

The Enbridge pipeline proposal to transport hundreds of thousands of barrels of oil from the Alberta tar sands to the B.C. Pacific Coast for shipping overseas by oil tankers is…

Soldiers need Canada to take responsibility with PTSD education and support

Late last year, Canadians were saddened to learn that four soldiers committed suicide in less than a week as a result of struggles with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Earlier this…

The Lens: Russian Olympics

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Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2