Group/Campus Profile

UVic students want to learn about vampires

“Those of us in the history department are always very keen on [taking history electives]. We have this idea like, ‘Why wouldn't people be interested in history?’ and we've been…

New class highlights misrepresentation of Voodoo religion in Western society

A new class called The Representations of Voodoo in Popular Culture and Fiction (FRAN 325) is coming to the University of Victoria this 2025 spring semester. The course will be…

If your resolution is to read more, UVic has the club for you

While clubs like UVic’s are working to redefine reading culture, social media is also bolstering physical book shopping. Doerwald doesn’t use TikTok, but she is aware of when a book…

The Phoenix Theatre’s latest spectacle musical is lighthearted fun — but that’s it

The Phoenix Theatre’s most recent production of The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee is exactly what it says on the tin. Following a lively ensemble cast of seven quirky…

UVic student and YouTube tech guru hits 200 000 subscribers

Walk into any university lecture hall and you’ll see kids on laptops. Some are scrambling to write down every word out of the professor’s mouth, others are finishing homework that…

Campus Community Garden: weed it and reap

The UVic Campus Community Garden has an office in the Student Union Building, SUB B118. The organization also receives student funding, $0.76 per student per year. Yet the land of…

UVSS Women’s Centre: a strong, feminist voice

The UVSS Women’s Centre, in room B107 of the Student Union Building, near where the UVSS general office is located, was established in 1981. Although the main goals of the…

Society for Students with a Disability: advocating for opportunity

Of all the provinces nationwide, B.C. is home to the largest population of people with a disability, so it follows that B.C. universities educate many students who have a disability.…

Native Students Union: providing an Indigenous space on campus

The Native Students Union (NSU) is a student-run organization dedicated to supporting Indigenous students on campus, and has two locations on campus: the basement of the Student Union Building (Room…

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2