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Dear high school students touring campus right now

Some advice before you venture into the “real world” Hi, it’s me. Yes, that girl you saw walking across campus in her pyjamas. Yes, both those coffees you saw in…

The signs suffering through exam season

Aries (Mar 21 — April 19) Your hot head is an issue when it comes to studying. With the Aries season (your messiest time of year) coming to a close, try to…

Baking with Bix: Foccacia Bread

An uninteresting and intermittent cooking column   Are you interested in making friends by implementing your half-assed baking ability? No? Too bad, because you’ll be making them one way or…

Where’d the second slate go?

Oligarchies, death threats, and car accidents: why only one slate ran in the 2018 UVSS election Although there’s nothing new about a single slate sweeping the UVSS elections, this year…

Finding joy through breath at the Victoria Yoga Conference

It would have required considerable effort for me to be crabby last Saturday and Sunday morning, despite the early rise and lack of caffeine. And if you, like me, were…

UVSS Election fashion streeter

Your candidate’s clothes Ainsley Kerr Candidate for Director of Campaigns and Community Relations with Envision UVic  How would you describe your style and how it relates to your life as…

Dear Birdie #8

Sex, sex, and sex Dear Birdie: My boyfriend and I haven’t had sex yet, but we’re planning on it. I feel very comfortable with him and I think I’m ready,…

Vikes summit the Cascades, progress to playoff quarter-finals

Men’s team knocked out in Saskatchewan It was lucky number 13 for the Vikes women’s basketball team, who saw their win streak continue into the postseason with a 91–62 win…

The great White Whale

Dealing with the Moby Dicks of our love lives We all have one: whether you met them in high school, at work, on the bus, or at summer camp when…

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University of Victoria
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