
Handmade gifts

With holidays on the horizon, financial pressures loom large for students

Even handmade gifts have prices attached, and it’s troubling that gift-giving is such an undertaking for students under financial stress.

Second-hand fashion isn’t as sustainable as you think

Many students look to second-hand fashion to spruce up their wardrobes, but the clothing you already own is the most sustainable clothing.
Nature songs

Five songs inspired by nature

What better way to read the Climate Issue than with a hand-crafted playlist of nature songs in the background?

Debate about the host of  this year’s UN climate change conference is taking away from more important conversations

This year, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is set to host the Conference of the Parties (COP28) starting Nov. 30 to Dec. 12.
McPherson Library

New Tek Booths available for booking in McPherson Library

Following the renovation of McPherson Library, “Tek Booths” have arrived for private, quiet space for online work and meetings. 
mental health

Streeter: What advice do you have for dealing with mental health concerns that arise as we head into the dark and cold winter months?

What advice do you have for dealing with mental health concerns that arise as we head into the dark and cold winter months?
Daylight savings

Daylight savings time or government-issued time travel?

Daylight savings time once served a purpose, but since then it has become obsolete. The origins point to deeply entrenched consumerism.

Good grief: A call for academia to better support bereaved students

Anyone who has experienced grief and bereavement amidst a sea of deadlines understands how uniquely impossible the situation feels.
Short-term rentals

Streeters: How do you feel about Airbnb being used in Victoria?

We asked people outside Phoenix Theatre how they feel about short-term rentals in Victoria. Here's what they said.

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2