
Where does your athletics fee go?

At UVic, every semester entails a slew of fees and payments. Tuition, textbooks, rent, beer, and food can collectively create a swirling, savings-consuming vortex. But among the ever-rising costs of…

Three things you should know about UVic’s draft sexualized violence policy

On Monday, Feb. 6, UVic released a draft version of its Sexualized Violence Prevention and Response Policy. The policy comes after several months worth of consultations with university and community…

Poor turnout strikes again, limits SAGM agenda

The UVSS semi-annual general meeting (SAGM) came and went with little fanfare after failing to meet quorum on Thursday, Feb. 2. For the membership to vote on any resolutions amending…

Working group established to assess UVic response to U.S. travel ban

UVic President Jamie Cassels has appointed a working group to develop “effective and responsive” ways to address the executive order which bans entry into the United States by citizens and…

Jamie Cassels responds to Quebec City terror attack and U.S. executive order

UVic President Jamie Cassels has issued a statement in response both to President Donald Trump’s executive order which bans entry into the U.S. by citizens and refugees of designated countries, and the…

B.C. NDP tackles big money at UVic open house

With the pungent political stew south of the border still bubbling away at high heat, it can be easy to forget that British Columbia’s provincial election is sitting on the…

U.K. school visits UVic in search of teaching talent

Canadian teachers were put to the test at UVic on Jan. 17 for recruitment to teach at a ground-breaking school in England. Bohunt Education Trust (BET) is an innovative academy…

Board of Directors debates right to party, supports Trutch name change

Despite the four-hour-long slog that was the UVSS Board of Directors meeting two weeks ago, I headed back to Vertigo on Jan. 23 to report on what was hip and…

UVic remembers Greig Cosier

The halls of the Cunningham Building have lost some of their cheer this year, as science students and faculty mourn the passing of Greig Cosier, a long-time custodian with UVic…

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Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2