
The time my house was destroyed by a flood

As many cozied up with hot cocoa and movies over the final days of the winter holidays, I can’t say I experienced that same luxury. On Jan. 3, I found…

Two UVic roommates shared one pair of pants for a whole year

Started from [sharing] the bottom[s], now we here Have you ever had a sibling or a friend borrow (steal) your clothes? It’s annoying because the day you go to put…

Weed it and weep

Chicken soup for the cannabis lover’s soul Arrive late to a potluck and you might get really stoned. Okay, so what would YOU do if the kale salad and lasagna…

This is the ONLY way to live in Victoria!

Local news staff discovers ways to cut down on rent that landlords will HATE! Everyone knows that the Victoria housing market is causing many aspiring and current residents to contemplate…

Victoria cycling community in outrage at Helps’ plan for pedestrian lanes

Victoria Mayor Lisa Helps is being criticized for giving cyclists the curb degree Monday saw a record number of angry Victoria residents at this past City Council meeting. Reflective vests,…

Breaking: Campus food found to be abnormally good

“This is not what I ordered” One of the most important parts of owning and operating a restaurant is ensuring consistency and adherence to brand normalcy. In the same way…

A freshperson’s UVic survival guide

Your all-in-one manual that’ll keep you savvy around seasoned UVicers Fresh off the Ferry? Attempting to satiate your parents’ shockingly high expectations by half-assing a social sciences degree? Gave up…

UVSS Board considering embezzling money to raise student awareness of union

“If it worked for the SFUO, why can’t it work for us?” Late last week, shocking allegations were levelled at members of the University of Ottawa’s student union (SFUO), as…

We had an AI reproduce over 70 years’ worth of Martlet content

We had our AI write this past issue for us, and here are some articles that didn’t make the cut! Inspired by screenplays written by AIs, which have been taking…

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2