music festival

There’s a new king of the jungle on the Victoria music festival scene

It’s clear that Phillips Backyard is here to stay. This year, armed with an extraordinary lineup and enough craft beer to fill Victoria’s inner harbour, the 2024 Reverb Weekend was…
Lorde at Rifflandia music festival

Rifflandia Resurrected

After a four year hiatus, Rifflandia returned to the City of Victoria, starting on Sept. 15 and closing out on Sept. 18.

Rainy Rifflandia Recap

Music lovers congregated to Royal Athletic Park for Rifflandia’s 11th year   Music has the ability to bring people together in ways that would otherwise never be possible. It’s easy…

Bumbershoot shows the Pacific Northwest how to rock

At the ripe old age of 46, Seattle’s Bumbershoot Music & Arts Festival has blossomed into one of the most recognizable and accredited festivals in America, drawing thousands from all…

Three ways to spend your summer in Victoria

Summer is definitely the best season in Victoria, if only because it rains slightly less than usual. Many UVic students will be heading home while school is not in session,…

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The Martlet
Student Union Building
Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2