Some may look dimly on the prospect of conjuring from the æther a new and mortal-centred yet divine doctrine. Nevertheless, I warrant that so long as midterms, finals, essays, and…
The unexpected extra costs of post-secondary education and how one student is changing the game University students can all agree that tuition costs a lot, and that’s to be expected.…
Tired of spending obscene amounts of money on textbooks you hardly use anyway? On Tuesday, Aug. 30, the UVSS announced the start of the TextbookBroke campaign, which hopes to ease…
SUBtext, the UVSS’s non-profit textbook consignment store, has estimated a loss of $40-50 000 per term on unsold textbooks. From 2013–2014, the estimated loss was $72 000. Roxie Price, SUBtext’s manager since…
This is the second instalment about the practicality of open source texts. Last week Veronica Roberts addressed the irony of offering winners of a sustainability contest a UVic Bookstore gift…
If the organization charged with addressing sustainability on campus conceptualizes “reward” as increased consumption in the form of a bookstore shopping spree, I fear we are doomed.
Whether you’re heading back to school or starting school this semester, buying a textbook or two is almost inevitable. Even if you’ve carefully saved your pennies, accounted for several months’…
As kindling Big books usually have many pages that are excellent for starting fires in this chilly season. As a paper weight Why not use more paper to weight down…