
UVic’s CanAssist unveils seven new technologies for use across B.C.

Children with special needs now have the potential for a lot more independence, inclusion, and fun From robotic arms to pick up fallen toys to ball launchers that help children…

How to kick those Winter Blues to the curb

Tips and tricks for staying on top of your mental health this season As the sun sets, I glance over at the clock to see it is only 4:23 p.m.…

It’s okay to study something different

Second annual Biomedical entrepreneurship day highlights academic diversity across campus — and that’s a good thing As someone handed me a lab coat and a pair of goggles, I thought…

LETTER: OFAR against anti-semitic and racial violence

Dear community, As an organization committed to the principles of anti-racism, anti-colonialism, and combatting anti-semitism, the Open Forum Against Racism (OFAR) embraces the humanity of all people. Our core principles…

We need more than just a hashtag

On Oct. 15, 2017, a tweet changed the world. “If all the women who have been sexually harassed or assaulted wrote “Me too” as a status, we might give people…

Running for a cause

UVic student Jordan Moore is running 150 laps around Ring Road this month in support of ‘Movember’ Movember is here again (and almost over!), which means you’ve likely noticed an…

Your Nov. 19 UVSS board meeting Tweetcap

Amendments to the Chief Electoral Officer’s duties and an updated intoxication policy meeting highlights At 6 p.m. on Nov. 19, as the sky darkened and the temperature dropped, the UVSS…

Second annual BEEP day sparks innovation on campus

Students, researchers, and faculty came together to showcase work being done in UVic’s Biomedical Engineering department ‘Beep’ is a sound many scientists are familiar with hearing in labs, but the…

John Horgan announces UVic housing project but is sidetracked on electoral reform by media

The new housing project will see a 25 per cent increase in student housing at UVic On Thursday, Nov. 15, a large crowd gathered outside of UVic’s Cadboro Commons as…

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The Martlet
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Room B011
University of Victoria
3700 Finnerty Road
Victoria, B.C.
V8W 5C2